
Top Smartest Dog Breeds

If you want an intelligent companion, get one of these breeds.

Dogs are about as smart as the average two-year-old, but there is a range of intelligence across different breeds. From learning new commands to just knowing what you are thinking, these intelligent dogs will win you over with their smarts. Here are the top 10 smartest dog breeds. 

10. Labrador Retriever

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Friendly and intelligent, Labs have been the most popular AKC (American Kennel Club) dog breed in the U.S. for two decades and make wonderful family dogs. Labs are great hunting dogs, and they are also frequently used for water dog rescue, as therapy dogs, and as assistance dogs, such as seeing-eye dogs.  Labs are all-around a good dog!

9. Papillon

are poodles the smartest dog

At only 11 inches high, the Papillon is the smartest of the toy breeds. They’re highly active and highly trainable small dogs.

8. Bloodhound

are poodles the smartest dog

The Bloodhound is known for its powerful sense of smell. They can be easily trained to help the police find fugitives or missing persons. It’s only when these smart dogs start outsmarting their owners does trouble ensue.

7. Shetland Sheepdog

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Herding dogs like the Sheltie tend to be highly intelligent. These working dogs make great family pets and can be easily trained to perform in agility competitions. Obedience judges love Shelties!

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6. Rottweiler

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Rottweilers can get a bad reputation, but they are actually very affectionate when they are raised with love. They are extremely loyal to their families and don’t hesitate to defend them.

5. Doberman Pinscher

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The Doberman Pinscher was originally bred to be a guardian by a tax collector who wanted protection while making his rounds. Dobermans also make great police dogs and military dogs.

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4. Golden Retriever

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Golden Retrievers make fantastic family pets, and their intelligence makes them well-suited to be service dogs. English Setters can also be put in the smart retriever category.

3. Poodle

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Poodles are usually associated with canine fashion, but they are also highly intelligent. They were originally bred for bird hunting and water retrieving, and have been trained to bring supplies to soldiers wounded in battle.

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2. German Shepherd

are poodles the smartest dog

German Shepherds make great police, military, and security guard dogs. They’re trained to sniff out bombs, drugs, and people, and they’re extremely loyal to and protective of their masters. Belgian Malinois and Belgian Tervuren also fall into this same vein.

1. Border Collie

are poodles the smartest dog

Border Collies are so smart that they need to have a job to keep them occupied. These high-energy pups make excellent herding dogs, and as family pets, they are happy to help around the house. Australian Cattle Dogs and Australian Shepherds also fall into this category.

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