
How To Know Your Cat Feelings Just By Looking

Although cats are known for being inscrutable, they give many facial signs that help to convey what they are feeling.

Some cats seem to have a permanent expression on their faces, such as a smile, or as with a Burmese, a grouchy look. A cat’uses his ears, whiskers, and eyes to show a range of emotions and feelings, from contentment to anger.

#3— What do my eyes tell you?

As in human beings, a cat’s pupils dilate or expand, depending on whether he is looking at something he likes or not. The confusing aspect about a cat’s pupils, however, is that they expand both when the cat is pleased and when he is afraid.

If presented with a huge bowl of his favorite food, a hungry cat’s pupils expand rapidly. Similarly, when he feels threatened or scared, a cat’s pupils expand, but a cat that is threatening will have narrowed pupils. When a cat is relaxed, sleepy, and contented, his eyes are often half closed with the pupils dilated.

There is an old wives tale that when a cat blinks at his owner, he is blowing a kiss.

#2— What do my ears and whiskers tell you

A cat with ears facing forward, and with straight and relaxed whiskers, is a happy cat. A cat who is unsure of the situation, but who is not directly threatened, such as one confronted by an energetic toddler, will look alarmed, with his head held stiffly, his ears flattened, his whiskers stiff, and his pupils fully dilated. In this situation, he is probably deciding whether to remain where he is or take flight.

A cat engaged in hunting perks up his ears bristles his whiskers and has fully dilated pupils.

5 Interesting Facts About Your Cat’s Nose and Sense of Smell!

#1— Body languagecat hates selfies

A cat body language can tell you and other cats a lot about how he’s feeling and what he’s thinking

– A cat is at his most vulnerable when lying stretched out on his back, showing his stomach. A cat that does this, and allows you to stroke his stomach, is a very secure, trusting, and confident cat.

– In the home, most cats remain relaxed and content, sitting sphinx-like with their toes tucked under their chest, curled in a ball asleep, or stretched out in their favorite corner.

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