
10 Reasons Why Your Dog Rolls Over To Show You Her Belly

4. Because They Respect You and Want You to Know it

teamwork dog training

Hierarchy means everything in the canine world. By purposely exposing her vulnerable underbelly, your dog is communicating to you that she comes in peace and recognized your alpha authority. teamwork dog training

3. To Air Out

teamwork dog training

Although dogs attempt to regulate their body temperature by panting, some may park themselves next to circulating fans or air conditioner vents on hot days to catch the cool breeze on their bellies where there tends to be less hair in an attempt to cool down.

2. Because They Feel Totally Safe

teamwork dog training

Confident adult dogs in their own homes roll on their backs and get into a relaxed posture when taking naps – usually on the sofa or your bed.

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1. Because They Love Their Bellies Rubbed

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Dogs’ bellies are very sensitive and their belly is the one place they normally can’t reach on their own. This is a sign of trust in you and it feels great for them!

