
5 Interesting Facts About Your Cat’s Nose and Sense of Smell!

Besides the fact that he is adorable, what do you know about your cat’s nose?

Much more developed than that of humans, the cat’s sense of smell is an extremely important sense, which is essential for both communication and nutrition. It occupies the third place after the sight and the hearing in our dear and tender felines.

5. Smell, the cat main means of communication

Thanks to Jacobson’s organ, the cat is able to detect pheromones. These chemicals are the main means of communication of the cat, which reads many things! The cat deciphers the pheromones that its congeners, other animals but also humans leave in their path. They deliver valuable information, real messages about what to fear or not and have a real impact on their mood.

4. Why does the cat’s nose moisten?

The truffle of the cat is rich in Bowman’s glands, which is like the sweat glands of humans, only produce secretions when necessary. This mucus that moistens his truffle allows him to better perceive the smells.

The truffle of the cat is not a sign of his state of health. If the nose of your four-legged friend is wet, it is because he has a particular olfactory interest. The cat’s truffle gets wet when he is hungry or when he is on alert. On the other hand, it remains dry when the cat is resting or in full digestion.

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3. The cat’s taste goes hand in hand with his sense of smell

The cat always sniffs food before eating or rejecting it. His taste is very closely linked to his sense of smell. Located at the end of his tongue, just like in dogs, the olfactory sense of the cat is decisive. Indeed, if the smell of a dish displeases him, the cat will not eat it.

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2. The cat has 20 million olfactory terminals

The dog has 150 million, while humans must be satisfied with 5 million olfactory cells. This, in addition to Bowman’s glands, allows the cat to perceive scents that we do not even suspect exist.

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1. The color of a cat’s nose is related directly to the color of his fur

Black felines have black noses, orange felines have orange noses, white felines have pink noses, gray felines have gray noses and so on. What’s more, if your feline is multicolored, he may very well have a multicolored nose, as well. A few kitties likewise have nose freckles, and some cats have noticeable nose color changes.

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