If you own a cat, then you know that cats are pretty independent when it comes to their care. They pretty much clean themselves, and as long as you provide them the essentials — food, water, and a clean litter box in which to peacefully take care of business — they are little to no trouble.
They are adored for their strong will and independent spirit. It’s what makes cats. But despite their seemingly aloof nature, cats are not unbreakable physically or even emotionally speaking.
There are those crazy people who bring it to the point of “It is me or the cat” with their partners and they force their significant others to make a choice. Those people are often dumped instantly, and more than righteously, because of the things that cat owners know.
If you value your cats’ spirit, you’ll want to avoid the following habits. These are surefire ways to zap your kitty’s true feline nature.
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