
8 Typical Things Cat Owners Do That Can Break a Cat’s Heart and Its Spirit …

8. Ignoring Pain

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Ignoring them and not doing anything to help when your kitty continuously chews at a pain spot on her belly or intensely scratches her ears. Cats are hiding their pain, no matter is an infected tooth that makes eating very hard for them or a urinary tract infection means litter box visits are suffering for them. You have to watch your kitty`s well-being so you know when your kitty is in terrible pain, even though she can’t show you directly.

7- Shouting

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Raised voices can easily terrify your cat more than you think they do. Cats are generally sensitive to high voice tones. Cats’ hearing cannot be compared to those of a human being. Each time you yell at them, the sound waves are automatically amplified to higher levels.

6. Teasing

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These things will not make your cat happy (kids to that a lot), blowing in her face, messing up her fur while she’s napping, picking her up in your arms if she strongly refused that, shaking her with your arms—that will confuse and depresses your cat, who just wants to love you. We should also add annoying her when she is eating.

More: 5 Top Signs That Your Cat Is Trying to Tell You Something

5. Leaving the Lights Off

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When you are not at home and your cat is alone in the home and the night comes, she will feel lonely and abandoned.

Read More: 7 Things You Do That Your Cat Secretly Hates

4. Not Cleaning the Litter Box

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How would you feel if the people who live with you never flushed the toilet? Probably like you yourself belong in the toilet bowl, no?

This is one of the worst habit, some of the cat owners are doing. This is the same as your roommates never flushed the toilet. This isn`t nice, right?

3. Skipping the Small Things..

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Never grooming your kitty will make her feels the discomfort of hairballs. If you not trimming her claws, she will snag them on every carpet and rug. Not inspecting her ears for mites, even when she is continually scratching them or shaking her head over and over again. Ignoring her problematic chewing can make things only worse. The little stuff can lower your cat’s energy and health.

2. Punishing

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Yelling at your fur buddy “bad cat,” (or yelling something even worse,) throwing stuff, gesture in anger and scolding your kitty when she just makes some troubles with the litter box or claws your bed, tells her you are not happy, but she is not aware of that.

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1. Neglecting Your Cat

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Not paying attention, no interaction, no showing love, no communication, makes your kitty very confused. Cats need the smallest affection or word of kindness and they will love you the most.

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