
5 Signs That Your Dog is Happy

4. They don’t lose their appetite

emotional support dog

Dogs are very greedy animals unless they have a problem, whether physical or psychological. If they are sick or depressed, it’s normal for them to lose their appetite. However, a happy dog will ask you for food and gobble up everything you put in their bowl. This is one of the most revealing of the 5 signs that your dog is happy.

Do not forget that when they eat the same food day after day, it’s possible for them to get bored and stop eating all of their food in one go. In this case, you need to pay attention to the other signs to make sure that your dog is happy, and that they have not stopped eating as a result of other problems. This can be solved by giving it other types of food from time to time….emotional support dog

3. They always want to play and walk

emotional support dog

An active dog is a happy dog. Whether with their owner or with other animals, dogs are usually very playful. In addition, they are always willing to go for long walks in which they can release their energy.

Some dogs are more dynamic than others, but having the energy that they have, a happy dog will always want to spend lengths of time walking and playing.

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2. They get enough sleep

emotional support dog

An adult dog sleeps for around 16 hours a day, whereas puppies need up to 20 hours of sleep. A happy dog will need the right amount of rest time to recharge its batteries and regain energy so that it can keep asking you to play and take it for walks.

If your dog sleeps more than what is necessary, they may be suffering from a problem such as depression, boredom or other diseases such as distemper or parvovirus. It’s important for you to pay attention to find out the cause and fix it as soon as possible.

1. They like to snoop around

emotional support dog

Dogs are very curious animals that love to discover the world around them. They like to sniff and examine new things and unknown places A dog that is not interested in unknown people and things is an apathetic dog, that probably has mood problems.

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