
5 Surprising Facts About Dog Kisses You (Probably) Didn’t Know About


#4—Dog Kisses Date Back 10,000 Years

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The “kissing” behavior likely started just between dogs. Andrea Arden, an Animal Planet pet expert and dog trainer in New York City, said that infant puppies lick their mothers as a precursor for feeding. As such, the behavior continues into adulthood with whomever or whatever is the dog’s primary caretaker. dog care insurance

Humans started taking over the caretaker role about ten millennia ago, according to Khuly, and it’s been equal parts cute and gross ever since.

 #3— Kissing Can Be a Sensory Behavior

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Sometimes, the only reason your dog kisses you is because of a particularly (and pleasantly) pungent odor on your person.

“Maybe your skin is a little salty, or they like the smell of a certain lotion you’ve applied,” Arden says. This also suggests the obvious: If you just ate something that’s especially tasty and your dog catches a whiff of it, there’s a good chance he’ll suddenly feel like planting a nice wet one on you.

#2— Dogs Kiss Some People More Than Others

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Kissing, Arden says, is also a learned behavior. If you, as a puppy parent, encouraged or heaped praise on your furry friend when he kissed you, he’ll carry that behavior into adulthood. Similarly, if you’re the only one in your household that encouraged such behavior, your dog will likely kiss you more often than others.

#1— There’s a Right Time and a Wrong Time for Kisses

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No matter how much you’d like your dog to give you kisses, don’t force the behavior, Arden says. Dogs are constantly sending non-verbal signals to their owners about when they’re comfortable and when they’re not. Kissing is one of these signals, so if your dog wants to kiss you, it’s OK. If you initiate it, however, be careful you’re not smothering him too much, which might make him feel nervous and cause him to lash out.

