Dogs are wonderful companions to people in every stage of life. Just because one has grown older (and may not be up to handling an Akita) is no reason not to enjoy canine company. They provide companionship in a way that no other pet—and few humans—can match. Mobile seniors also understand that the daily walk many breeds require is a way to get out of the house, exercise, and meet other people.
Adopting a calm already housetrained older dog from a shelter is an ideal way to find a great friend. Dogs love senior pet parents, who don’t dash off to work at 7:00 a.m. and return briefly at night before heading out on the town. Many seniors are home for much of the day and have time to devote to their pets.
Science shows that owning a dog lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides. It also improves mental health by raising levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Research even shows that seniors who have to care for a pet take better care of themselves! However, never presume to get a pet for someone else without their knowledge, permission, and input.
Most seniors do better with smaller, portable, biddable breeds. But like everyone else, getting the right match depends on your activity level, housing situation, and whether children are frequent visitors.